Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Hello to all who read this... I am finally updating my blog and hopefully will be updating a little bit more regularly in the future.

Here is what has gone on in my life the last few weeks:

I finished highschool, finally!!! My official cap and gown graduation ceremony will be held May 22nd, 2010 (date may be subject to change) and I need to get Senior pictures done sometime this month. Unfortunately... all of the amazing photographer people that I know don't really live in convenient locations for me to drive over and get pictures done by them. :-/ So I'm kind of at a loss for who to take them and I don't want to go to Sears because that's boring and everybody does that and I have very specific pictures in mind that I want done.

My one and only sister Bethany is going to EXCEL this fall (in TWO weeks!!!) and I'm super excited about that if you couldn't already tell. I am going down with her to see her off and then I am coming back sometime in October before her Birthday to work on Staff until Graduation in November. There are just way too many people that I know and love at the DMC for me to not come back! :-)

I am also redoing my Life Notebook. Rachel says I am self-inflicting torture on myself by trying to write more Communicating Conviction papers... and I guess she's right! But I still want to do it, even if it brings back less than happy memories from AE (stress, writer's block, approaching deadlines, blech!) Actually, I don't really have a deadline... well, kind of. I want to have it finished by my graduation ceremony so I can put it on my table about me!

I am also keeping myself busy by working with my Grandma and helping her out. Since Bethany is leaving for EXCEL, I'm going to be taking over most of her jobs (she does a lot!)

Other than that... there's not much else going on right now. I would definitely appreciate prayer for me as I try to discern God's will for my future. I am looking into some college options but I don't really know when or where or for what... and it's causing me to get very frustrated.

Love you people!