Wednesday, May 20, 2009

AE Photo Scavenger Hunt!!!

I had so much fun taking these photos. It was a very nice distraction from doing assignments that were being difficult and I got a lot of neat pictures that I'm going to use in later blog posts. Hope you enjoy looking at mine as much as I enjoy looking at yours!

1. Stapler: I've never been very talented with one these. 

2. Reflections: Who is that I see staring back at me?

3. Leap: Da da daaa!! It's the amazing wonderdog, Hope, to the rescue! 
4. Fears: Held captive by the lies I believe(d), with no way out save the power of Jesus Christ.

5. Coffee: My own design for all my friends that love coffee. What do ya think?

6. Time: So much to do, so little time. 

7. Squirrel: My older brother's "Secret Squirrel" Army tee-shirt. He's not a very nice looking squirrel is he?

8. White Trash: Interesting concept that rendered interesting comments from my family. This picture was snapped as the trash was being taken out and this paper towel fell out of the bag. 

9. Date: June 19th, AE graduation. I found the "holiday" listed on the day before to be ironic.

10. Police: Before my older brother switched branches to go into the Army, he was an Air Force Security Cop and he's got the badge to prove it (plus a gun and handcuffs to enforce it!)

11. Self Portrait: Ta-daa! 

12. Making a Statement: LIVE  INSIDE OUT!!

13: A Memory: Some of my most fondest memories have been hatching out baby chicks and watching how each life, even animal life, is so intricately designed. This is a brand new Turken chick, (also known as Naked Necks because this breed of chicken does not have feathers on its neck like a turkey.) that hatched only about 10 minutes before I took this picture.

14. Weather: Raindrops on my window and a gloomy sky promising more.

15: Broken: God, can you please fix my broken heart?

16. Green: Nailpolish = painted nails = girl time = happiness!!!

17. Music: Make a joyful noise unto the Lord...

18. A Favorite Thing: My most favorite piece of jewelry that my sister got me for my birthday. Big, loud, red... definitely a favorite!

19. A Tool: I have always had an odd fascination with saw blades. The sharp edges are just super cool to me for some reason. But don't ask me to use one because, remember, I'm not very good with a stapler and I would really like for all my friends to live and stay in one piece whenever they're around me... and I would like to stay in one piece too, for that matter! 

20. Vanishing Point: I don't know what's waiting for me down this road but God does so I'm leaving it in His hands.

21. Funny: Little brothers, a never-ending source of fun and entertainment with lots of hugs a laughter in between!!! I love this soon-to-not-be-so-little guy, he's the best baby brother anyone could ask for!


  1. Love all your pics girl! Fantablous!My favorites? Ooh... choices... All of them?! Fear, coffee :), time, fav thing, but especially broken. Broken is my top pick.

    Love you Queen Malu!

    Your humble servant,

  2. I love your pictures, Kristin! I especially like the broken heart picture. Very meaningful and nicely done! Love you!!
