Friday, May 15, 2009

My Life Through God's Eyes

My name is Kristin Lanae Stevens. Without Christ, my name is void of any meaning or purpose. Without meaning or purpose, I am nothing, I have nothing, and I will always be nothing. 

Upon receiving God’s gift of salvation my name is all of a sudden bursting with meaning and purpose. My name is no longer just a title I go by but a description of my identity in Christ. My name gives me a meaning for my life and a purpose for being here in this world.


All my sin has been washed away by the precious Blood of my Savior. God has separated me from my sin as far as the east is from the west. My Father no longer sees my sin and wickedness but looks at the holiness of His beloved Son instead. I am now a passionate follower of Jesus Christ seeking to serve Him with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength

I can stand bold and confident in my Father's everlasting love for me no matter what the situation may be. I have the power to stay faithful to Him in every difficult circumstance He may ask me to experience. Knowing full well that there is nothing I will go through that my Lord has not already gone through Himself. 

I have been crowned with the anointing of God’s word. He has chosen me and set me apart for a special purpose. I am under the watchful eye of Jesus as he molds and shapes me for the role He designed for me. I am being prepared and made ready for the moment the Master calls me for His use.

I am a follower of Christ, full of faith, and God’s anointed. In and of myself, I am absolutely nothing but through Christ, I am everything. Through Christ, I am and will always be, Kristin Lanae Stevens.

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